
    Grants from Designated Funds

    Some endowed funds managed by the Foundation were established by donors to support one or more specific nonprofit organizations. Others benefit favorite charitable causes. Some of the grants made by these funds require that a proposal be submitted, while others are crafted so that we simply mail quarterly checks to the appropriate charities.

    Grants from Field of Interest Funds

    Donors have established field of interest funds to help support favorite causes in perpetuity. Through a competitive grant application process, our field of interest funds award grants to local charities for any number of projects and programs. Nonprofit organizations are asked to submit grant proposals at different times of the year, which are then reviewed by our grants committees. Grant categories include Youth, Education, Senior Programming, Wellness, and Fitness programs.

    Grants from Donor Advised Funds

    In addition to our competitive grants, we also manage donor recommended grants. In these cases, checks and details about the grants are sent to area charities with no advance communication.  So, for those nonprofit organizations that receive an unexpected check in the mail from the Community Foundation, Congratulations!

    Grants from Unrestricted Funds

    Funds that have not been allocated to a specific purpose or that are able to be used as the foundation sees fit are unrestricted. They can be used for general operations, but are also often used to fund projects that fit the mission of the foundation. It allows the organization to be more nimble, resilient, and responsive to the needs of the community. Projects that do not fit a specific category but that are still mission oriented may be awarded a grant from these funds.